Archive for March, 2008


Things I learned in Canada !

ztruep50691.jpg I’m not here to criticize my country Egypt ! Who am I anyways to even dare and do so ? It was just thoughts to admit and write about how much Canada  taught me during these 7 years .

 Montréal the ouststanding canadian beautiful city .My adopted city never fails to thrill me with it’s energy , joie de vivre , its racial, linguistic and cultural – not to mention lifestyle – diversity. On any ordinary day on the city’s streets and subway, in stores and restaurants, I can hear the muted ebb and flow – the sweet chorus – of 20 different tongues. Makes  me always wonder , how can all these races get along with such a peaceful harmony ?! How they accept each other without value judgment, without discrimination?

Being a Canadian citizen means that I learned to love my early Tim Horton’s  coffee before work .I work 8 hours/day  and enjoy my hour break , even if quarter of it is lost in a line up where  everyone smiles and chat with each other  while waiting their turn.

I learned to freeze my butt when its -30 to go for a smoke . Being a free person it’s my choice to smoke , but it’s not my right to expose people to second hand smoke.

I learned I can take safely a public transit back  home even late at night! I leaned  to smile and greet the bus driver with a “Bonjour “even in the evening when  it’s time to say Bonsoir ;-)

I learned how to read while standing waiting a bus or metro ,when I thought all these long years that reading was only at home,in bed or on my desk;

 I learned to go home after a long day ,rest on my sofa put my feet up and turn on  CBC late evening news and watch people  struggling with war, oppression and civil chaos in unlucky countries . I always thank God that I live in  Canada, blessed land of peace, order and good government.

 I learned to be free to have my beliefs and never ask anyone about his own beliefs or religion . Always grateful that Canada embrace all faiths and various tradition and everyone enjoys a peaceful ,safe place to worship .

I learned that being Canadian  I have the  right to vote freely because my voice can make a difference , while in other countries fair election are just in text books and in movies .

 I learned too that being a free woman I have choices to stay in my marriage, file a divorce or live on my own.

I have the right to walk in clean streets  alone with my I pod ,wearing whatever I want  and no one will ever look at me or upset me .

I learned that I can sit on any bench in the park and enjoy the beautiful nature ,being surrounded by flowers and trees.

I learned that that I’m equal, have free speech to debate politics in public and that changing situation I don’t like is no more a dream .

I learned that I can go to school again and there’s no age for knowledge and learning .

I learned not to worry about tomorrow because my family will be cared for in times of need because of the various social programs in place.

I do not take for granted fresh water, clean air and all the natural resources that this bountiful land supplies.

I learned too that I can’t use the horn while driving, it’s an insult for other drivers .I  learned to stop at “STOPS ” and allow  the pedestrians or cyclist cross the street .

I learned to recycle ,to save energy ,to respect the envitoment and pay my taxes .

I learned that its my right to live with”zero risk” when I see the government shutting schools and companies to make sure the roofs won’t collapse from heavy snow on them .

It feels good to be Canadian and I will cherich a citizenship I acquired not by birth but by choice till the day I take my last breath .

Thank you Canada !


Just Thoughts



Born in my beautiful country Egypt, raised in my awesome city Alexandria which is my mysterious love .Moved to Montréal 7 years ago and this city has grown to be  my second love .

Being artistic by nature ,I’ve always loved to paint and write poetry .I love to read poems written by these 2 famous poets Pablo Neruda and Thomas Carewlove .Finally built my humble web page 10 years ago and it has  been with me till this moment ,adding to it poetry with heart felt feelings that come  from deep inside my soul …

My poetry site :

My friend Noran from Egypt introduced me to this blog .Although we are miles apart we still share our deepest thoughts always with trust and love  She has some wonderful articles written

I have no idea what I’ll write in this blog ,all that I know that in this small head of mine there are  so many thoughts , it will be a good opportunity to share them with you .


March 2008