Archive for April, 2008


Intimacy “Into-Me -See”

What’s the meaning of intimacy?

I found once in a book the definition of intimacy was “Into –Me –See“. I’ve been thinking about this definition a lot .When you give this definition some deep thought ,you will notice how it’s beautiful. Allow me to share some of my private thoughts with you .

All my entire life I’ve thought intimacy means sex! Well,sex is part of intimacy but sex is being physically intimate only. I’m intimate with many people and sex has nothing to do with it and isn’t part of it! Right?

“Into- Me -See” is allowing others to see our true selves the true me .To be able to allow others to see our inside we have to love and accept ourselves first.

Intimacy is a warm,loving,familiar personal relationship with one self. Intimacy doesn’t have to depend on another person at all.

Being intimate with myself and being comfortable with who Iam takes a lot of energy and work. To arrive to this standard to love myself and get rid of my insecurity and dealing with my imperfection isn’t easy .

I stopped beating myself because I’m not perfect,who is perfect anyway! I’m unique with my character and looks, even when I know they aren’t the best.

When I feel lonely I look deeper and I notice that I’m always surrounded by people who love me and I’m surrounded by the  love of the universe .

You must be happy just the way you are, Happiness isn’t something you see but it’s something you feel deep inside of you!

Why are we always afraid to be criticized? Gordon said “all of us should take a lesson from the weather, it pays no attention to criticism! ;-). So true!

Don’t be too hard on yourself. You did what you did ,when you knew how to do better …you did better!

Embrace all of you,be intimate with yourself.

Only at this stage of intimacy and ease with yourself you will be more opened to let people see deeper inside of you with no fear.

We all tend to be our best when we first  meet someone or begin dating. We sort of wear a mask or build a wall to hide the true ‘ME’ or ‘YOU’. Why are we afraid to show our true selves?

We wear the mask because we don’t love ourselves enough. Are we hiding our true selves because we are afraid to be hurt? Are we afraid of our imperfection or afraid to be vulnerable? Is being vulnerable a position of weakness?

I think now by age I tend to look at things from a difficult angle. I see that being vulnerable isn’t a position of weakness it’s a position of strength. When I’m vulnerable I can receive and give more love. When I build the wall and wear the mask it means I’m  in a position of fear and fear makes me feel smaller and less powerful. I now try to love myself more. I let people “into me see” because I have nothing to hide. It’s simply me and I’m away from being perfect and no one is perfect. I finally chose to be happy instead of wasting my past years trying to be right!  

April 2008