Archive for June, 2008


mccain or obama will this make a difference to the middle east?

 I know you’ll find it weird that I write about this subject and I think I’m better known writing about  matters of heart, life and love.;-)

But after reading the book “A War Of Nerves “written by Ben Shepherd .I would like to share with you some thoughts .This book is really interesting and gives us a fascinating history of war neuroses .It breaks your heart to read how these young men suffered and cracked from the world wars through Vietnam and up to the gulf war.

Now that soon the Bush administration is coming to an end and it’s election time in America. It makes me wonder what will happen next to the Middle East crisis! Do we have to be categorized by being either a  Bush hater or geopolitical naïf if we disagree with the American occupation in iraq?  Iraq was not in league with Osama bin Laden and al Quada, whom the administration blamed for the 9/11 attacks. There is absolutely no evidence  that they support al Quada  .The Bush administration simply used 9/11 to justify the invasion of Iraq, though they had nothing whatsoever to do with each other .They claimed that the WMD was too grave and urgent to wait . They sent weapons inspectors and they claimed  that Saddam kicked out the inspectors.This wasn’t only false but it masks the actual truth, which is that the administration told the inspectors to leave because of the looming attack. I just can’t understand why they focused on Iraq rather then any other country !? Americans claim that its central purpose in invading Iraq was to bring democracy to the country and to the Middle East. At the same time, however, it has done next to nothing and the Middle East remains a complete chaos and the situation is worse and worse that might end with a civil war in Iraq or a WORLD WAR 3! .

 Americans are aware now that George Bush’s invasion of Iraq to protect the United States from the threat of terrorism was legitimate, or yet another example of a president sporting like a king on his white horse, at the expense of the American people, the troops, the Iraqis, and the world.  

This time of election is a critical time for americans .The sudden death of Hillary Clinton’s  campaign ended the hope of the former first lady to be the first American woman .Still there is no doubt that I admire her. She was strong enough just to endure this long hectic campaign ,she has reached a stage where no American woman has ever gone before and made it more possible for women to make the race to the White House more attainable. After her surrender , smart Clinton is angling herself now to be Obama’s running mate for the position of vice-president and Obama might include her as he wishes to win over Clinton’s voter …Well, isn’t this the politics game ? 

Now the question is ..McCain or Obama ..Will this make any  difference to our countries? Will ever people from the Middle East survive a peaceful life? Do we really matter to them and our future is their future as Obama recently stated !? Americans are completely aware that their domestic economic concerns are related to the Middle East .The sky rocketing price of oil is the result to the insecurity in the gulf .Will they withdraw the 140,000 US troops in Iraq ..?

Time will tell..But I doubt it … !

If I receive no feed back on this article ,I’ll go back writing about “Sex And The City ” and Middle age women crisis and leave the Middle East alone;-)

June 2008