
Healthy or Unhealthy


“The more connections you and your lover make, not just between your bodies, but between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together.” -Barbara De Angelis  


What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Can anyone give the proper definition about love? 

We use the word love so many times in different ways .Even a score of zero in tennis or squash it’s called 40 love!  

Love has different varieties it can be romantic, unending, deep love shared between 2 people or love between more than two individuals that bond, platonic love, familial love, religious love and much more. 

But what really is in my mind now is relationships and love .Articles always mention  

 Healthy relationship or Unhealthy relationship and I wonder why they chose the word HEALTHY to define a relationship! Is it like healthy or unhealthy food we eat? 

I looked closely at the word HEALTHY and the letters that it consists and I found out how this small word of 7 letters can mean a lot.

Let’s begin with the letter


Honesty: Partners trust each other to follow through on promises.

Harmony: Two people in love make beautiful music together, they don’t need to be the same but together but their differences are like the harmonized musical notes .A couple who exhibits a sense of joy and calm when they’re together.

Heart: Having heart for one another means nourishing each other.

Honor: Is holding each other in high esteem.

Hot: They enjoy a mutually satisfying sex life.


Equality: Respecting the fact that you both counts.

Empathy: Being able to feel what each other feel.

Energetic: Exchange of vibrations like electrical force that draws you to each other.

Enthusiasm: Excitement about being together.

Empowerment: Supporting each other to feel stronger.


Acceptance: Knowing that you approve of each other.

Accommodation: Making adjustments for each other’s need.

Appreciation: Being grateful and responsive for each other and never take anything for granted.

Agreements: Making and keeping agreements is essential for trust.


Love: Cherishing each other and holding one another dear.

Loyalty: Being devoted to each other.

Listening: Paying attention to what each other says.  Their wants, needs, feelings and emotions are freely expressed and accepted without shame or guilt.

Laughter: Humor and they take the time to have fun and relax with each other.

Lust: Longing and desire draws you like magnet to each other.


Trust: Rely on one another and having confidence and faith in each other.

Talking: Communicating is a key.

Time: Together making and creating time together.

YES…YES to welcome positive feelings .Yes to a healthy relationship .Yes to life .YES to make it work .Yes to compromise .Yes, to give each other what you need and finally yes to love; to a loving relationship that become natural and effortless. Remember “Love” is only a word till someone gets along and gives it a meaning.

1 Response to “Healthy or Unhealthy”

  1. 1 Denis
    November 16, 2009 at 4:39 am

    Tu es une personne hors de l’ordinaire.J’aimes bien ta maniere de penser.

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November 2009