Archive for January, 2010


I Look up to you my Lord

I lay me down and I feel my strength and energy gone;

I lift my head and eyes to you to help me to carry on.


All melodies are gone; can you make me listen again to a song?

I look up to you because I need to be strong.


I look up to you to get some attention;

I need your help, I need your intervention.


Thinking , tangling in solitude.I beg you to  shine on me;

When storms have come and rain is pouring on me. Set me free!


You are the only one that knows what I go through;

I lift my head to you and my soul cries .Who else can I turn to?


Every road I’ve taken led me only to regrets;

I look to you to strengthen me and make me move on and  forget.


I look up to you to remind you that I exist;

How can’t you help me? How can you be so hard on me and resist?


My soul wanders sadly, unending .Show me some kindness;

I lift my head up  to you to let me still and talk to you in your silence.


Mesmerized by your power,  still I’m afraid and retreating;

Awed by the beauty called forward , still I’m mesmerized not moving.


Longing for  the touch, love, the gentleness of the caress that I can’t feel;

 Listening to voice rhythmic and soothing ,yet afraid. I look at you, keep me near.


I look to you to pull me towards all what is offered and open my eyes to see;

I look to you to make me feel safe.  Stop the storm tide and pouring rain on me.


I’m standing unable to separate from all that is known and what is untrue;

Standing unsure lost in my dreams and I still look up to you.


G!han January 28th 2010

Namaste means “I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells . I honor the place in you in which is of love, of truth, of light and of peace .When you are in that place in you ,and I am in that place in me ,we are one .”


Eyes Talk

In vision of the Dark I have dreamt of joy departed.

But waking dream of life and light has only left me broken hearted.

I’m not sure where this recent path  will lead me; I have no clue or plan.

Still Walking with uncertainty, fear to offer my heart and fall in love again.

 My lonely spirit guiding me, trying to reach a beam of light.

I trembled from afar with a chaos of deep passion.

Trying to walk this unknown path and let the flow lead me. 

Keeping to myself  my  fears, thoughts and disguising my compassion.

Where are the times when pure sincere love wasn’t a dream?

When love was shared and not only inside my heart.

When the paradise of love was a reality that brings

Passion, lust, more feelings and lovely things. 

I gazed away to the moon and the proud glittering star.

My Past and present beg me to back off this time and to retreat.

Still gazing in space I see a twofold silence and shade.

My soul cries  for a bright beam to strengthen me thro’ this road I’ve chosen ,wherever it may lead. 

My soul suddenly opens up and the present I accept.

My heart feels sudden tranquility erasing all what my past still kept.

There is no right or wrong there is no need now for vows to bound.

And suddenly the beauty of the universe fills me and makes feel strong.

Unspoken words of love unfold and my inner spirit becomes bold.

I don’t wish to avoid his eyes ; they are so deep.

I don’t either want to question his unknown deeds.

I’ll let only the power of his tenderness, warmth overwhelm me and lead.

No need for words ,let them kept still and  unsaid.

He kissed me my head drooped low on his chest.

With a feeling of shelter and infinite rest, my emotions reach its peak.

Still my thoughts were questioning  but  my tongue dared not speak.

Look in my eyes there is no need for answers or old fashion speech.

When the winds get rough, I want to be the one you  seek and reach.

Heart beats against heart and in passion folds with heavenly bliss.

His lips clung to mine, I prayed they might never unclasp from this deadly rapturous kiss.

What words can speak affection so thrilling and sincere?

 Let them remain unsaid I don’t need for now anything to be clear;

Let time and fate unfold this mystery. For now I don’t wish it yet to be a history.

 I surrender, I yield from my fears, I’ll break free and whatever!

The imperfect me            G!han January 10, 2010


2010 begins with stillness and peacefulness

I feel the inner crushing urge to write something, but my mind is blocked my thoughts aren’t flowing anywhere! Are my thoughts frozen?  Well, it’s good to have the first day of New Year in complete quietness, tranquility and serenity …I found this song cute, father and daughter …the famous Paul Anka and his “not yet to be famous “ daughter …LOVELY SONG…Just what I needed to hear today;-)


January 2010