
A silent pause

There is no need for attachment anymore

It’s all about Freedom



Reaching for more

Letting go

To  surrender

I’m happy this month of February is only 28 days .I just pray  it  ends  by any means ….

Losing a loved one is like having the rug swept from under you.  I lost someone really special to me. I lost my old lady friend “my neighbor for 10 years” on the 14th of February , Valentine Day!…She’s the woman I wrote about hugging her in the hospital on New Year’s Eve. The hug I wished to keep with me through the year 2010. She’s gone but will never be forgotten .I will always be reminded of her words of wisdom, of her kindness, support, unconditional love  and care for me…I will always remember when I ran to her with tears saying  “ I should have done ”  OR ” I shouldn’t have done” , she smiled and replied gently ” When you did what you did at this time  it felt right , if you knew better you would have done better ,so no point to regret , just learn !;-)

If I write about her I will write a book full of beautiful memories, moments of joy and her non ending sorrows that she always embraced with a smile  ..I will never forget her face that brightened  with a big smile when I brought  her  morning coffee every morning  before I headed to work…She deserves to be mentioned in my blog , she loved my writing and I used to print for her every new article I posted .

I won’t write more now because my heart aches  and I wish to cry nomore . I want always to remember her and smile ….! May God rest her soul.

This same month of February , I lost a friendship and a  dear friend of mine .  It’s true that we were  friends for a  couple of months only , but we shared a lot together , a lot of laughs and unforgettable moments … And life is measured  only by moments,  quality moments and not measured  by years ..

As  friendship means freedom of choice , my friend chose to END  it. I wish my friend happiness , love and all dreams to come true ..!

Whatever mistakes, conflicts   and misunderstanding that happened between us this short time , I hope they are forgiven , forgotten and no hard feelings left.

It’s true that:

It takes a couple seconds to say hello, but forever to say goodbye!

                                         G!han   20 February 2010         

7 Responses to “A silent pause”

  1. 1 Chris
    February 25, 2010 at 4:53 pm

    I’m sorry G…I know how much you loved this lady ….see u on msn ! ?

  2. 2 michel
    February 25, 2010 at 7:12 pm

    Hey Gigi ….I can relate how it feels …As Your site is in my bookmark I always open it to see what’s new ..You know I love what you write , but it doesnt mean I agree on everything you write especially about men 😉 We talked about this before and you gave me your famous “whatever” Lol I use it now …..a bientot ….peut etre ce week end? …
    Keep the good writing ..It always inspires me and as I know the real you and the wonderful soul you have
    Excuse mon anglais …lol

  3. 3 Christopher Laing
    February 25, 2010 at 9:44 pm

    About the loss of your friend and neighbor:

    Remembering is the key of never losing someone; adopt something you admire about their personality that you want to make your own, and share something of the character of that person with others so they too may feel the presence of this special soul – In this way they live on.

  4. February 27, 2010 at 5:12 am

    My dear Gigi, I’m so sorry about the loss of your special friend, I remember you telling me about her, may she rest in peace. She was right when telling you to never regret anything you do, that is a fact!!

    Smile, you have more special friends who care for you, and I hope I am one of them :)))

    Love you!

  5. 5 Bernard
    March 1, 2010 at 3:50 am

    Hey G !!
    If the purpose from this article was to make me cry , well you did a good job ma belle …;-)
    I know how it feels losing someone you love,but that`s life ,it`s never stable …!
    Smile please, you know there are many friends who love you !!!!! If you need to talk or a shoulder to cry on , you know I`m always there for you `JUST SHOUT` 😉

  6. 7 Kevin T
    March 11, 2010 at 9:30 pm

    Beautiful ! Well I meant the writing not what you went through …Your smile is great ,KEEP IT ! BTW ..Where you worked isnt the same anymore ,I don’t even go there 😉
    C U soon

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February 2010