
Just words

 When I began this article  staring at a  blank page opened   infront of me , I was listening to Didier Barbelivien ….I had no idea that I will be able to write one word! …Did he inspire me? 😉


Yes, it’s me telling everyone “If you don’t have a kind word to tell me even  when I least deserve it , PLEASE KEEP SILENT “

To write an article or a poem I must have a subject to talk about …the whole process of writing is not just something that happens to me while I’m typing or putting pen to paper.

 Writing from the heart means being constantly aware of my surroundings and my inner self.  That means that what appears to be a Writer’s Block is no more than a ROAD block.  And what do we do when the road is blocked? It isn’t that I don’t have anything to say, it’s just that t he particular road I’m on RIGHT NOW… is the wrong road for me.  Today!

Anyway, what can words do?! They are nothing but words written, read and forgotten.

 What words will do when one is blind to light unaware how words can hurt more than a broken bone! 

What words will do when one is moved by nothing, when insensibility sits over understand!

What words will do if one underestimate the power of a touch, a caress ,a smile , a kind word ,a listening ear and finally a small act of caring!

What words can do if one doesn’t know how to make account for every idle word that hurt and doesn’t know  when to be silent!

What words will do if one can’t say them to mend a broken heart or make someone feel better and instead use them to tear someone and make him feel worthless!

What words will do if one doesn’t know how to love or know the power of these three words I love you. When one doesn’t know anymore the difference between making love and having sex or the difference between friends ,lovers and friends with benefits !

What words will do if one is too busy to smell morning fresh coffee, look at the vast sky, notice the  full moon , endure the beauty of the universe and reveal it!

What words will do if wars, hate, death, destruction, fears instability, madness and racism became endless in a disturbed world !

What will words do when people became judgmental, selfish, vain and impatient!

What will words do if relationships are becoming fruitless, disposal and finding true love is hopeless and leave us only decisiveness and untruthfulness and regrets become endless!

What will words do if our politics became shameless and politicians’ attitude became worthless, their mistakes Countless and their decision baseless and mindless!

Like president Obama ,his country is engaged in two wars, the oil spill is raging and the economy is tanking but still president Obama find time to appear for an hour  in a fluffy DAY TALK TV SHOW  to talk about Mel Gibson , Lohan’s jail term! While the first lady has been lambasted for her extravagance and her trips  .The  last one of 4 days to Marbella that  costs  $250.000 and will  cost American tax payers a share for her lavish life style ! Ridiculous !


What will words do if acceptance is replaced by rejection! Peace of mind replaced by worries!

What will words do if we forgot about God, we forgot what’s caring, sharing, listening to a beloved one whispering .We forgot when to surrender like a river when it meets the ocean…We forgot compassion, passionate kisses, infinite touch and unforgettable sweet moments!

What word can do if a quiet mind, new possibilities, forgivingness, faithful friends and most of all OUR DREAMS are forgotten!

What will words do when Love only leaves us broken hearted with scrambled messages confusion, tears, giving up and missing!

Finally but not last these simple prose’s that came to my mind when I had the least idea what to write .These prose’s and endless feelings that I meet and live through my life path . Writing this article “if you can call it an article, it doesn’t look one to me 🙂 “I didn’t have to worry about rules of forms neither about rhythms schemes, meter stanza and line. It’s true that in real life I can go on and on talking and in this blog I can go on and on writing but among my most prized possessions are words and especially words I have never spoken only very very few close  friends know this about me   

✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ Kind words do not cost much. They never blister the tongue or lips. They make other people good-natured. They also produce their own image on men’s souls, and a beautiful image it is. –Blaise Pascal ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿

Say a kind word or make a kind gesture to someone today! Ialready  did;-)

1 Response to “Just words”

  1. 1 Melvin
    August 11, 2010 at 7:34 am

    My Dear Gihan….I want to thank you for posting your thoughtful literature for me and others to read, ponder and appreciate. You have put some of my life experiences into the written word which is a natural talent for you. It makes me understand myself, my life, my situation much more clearly.
    Thanks for being “You” 🙂
    Cheers, Melvin.

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July 2010