
smile it’s only life !

Why this song?? Because it’s a beautiful happy rhythm AMOR “LOVE”! Love is supposed to be a happy feeling…We are used to sad rhythms listening to love songs , you all remember  “ I who have nothing “by Tom Jones lol and others ….but all the all the Buddha bar songs have a certain rhythm that put a smile on my face , they make me move without realizing ,while driving,  during  my 2 hour sweating at the gym ,it makes me even think positive  that I will become  slim like a  stick one day 😉  , even  while cooking the whole kitchen utensils seem like  stirring faster in the pans ..  I’m sure that you are moving now listening and reading me 😉

 Why do love songs always talk about separation, hurt, guilt and so on? I know love isn’t easy but while you experience it isn’t it such a beautiful feeling that you should memorize and recall with a smile, even if it’s over. 

Throughout all my years I was asking myself what exactly this L word means. Can anyone explain to me how love happens? How would you know if you’ve been bitten by the love bug? What are the symptoms of being in love? Could you stop yourself from falling in love?

So many books and articles defined this L word!! As per me it’s easier to live it without defining it. It’s just truth beyond any truth. ..It’s like the wind I can’t see , still it  hits me without asking permission . It’s just a simple warm fuzzy feeling that makes me “us “feel good … Falling in love I can’t control it , It ‘s involuntary.

It doesn’t mean if you still didn’t find unconditional love and your Mr. Right that every time we have fallen  in love is forgotten. .The wind blows us  here and there at least for sometimes till we find the right Yummy man and you become his one and only Yummy pie ….!

The wind blew me and I was happily bitten with the love bug numerous times throughout the years and I have no regrets for any moment. I really value all the relations in my life, in fact I love them all. I have created a lovely world for myself and when I feel alone, it just covers me up and hides me inside.

Trust me some people never experienced this je ne sais quoi feeling    ….I will again and again take this L path till I find my one and only unconditional love that I deserve ,the doesn’t track the wrong done by me but only remembers the right things done by me…

 How many times during my life I’ve left things behind me that I loved .I changed countries, cars, houses, jobs and friends!!!!Does this mean because I walked away from these things that I let it go? No, I continue carrying them within me but I never grieved them because everything I once let go has wonderful memories and beautiful moments and I was granted with better after …. So is love! I believe that love always finds me. A flame goes out, another flame is blown still a soft landing is never guarantee…But It’s worth the risk taken all I do is giving it my best which is  the only guarantee I can afford..

You went left and right with all the different types of people you dated. You had good times, but, it still felt incomplete and that void was still there. All of a sudden because of love your life straightened out and you began to feel a completeness you never felt before. Now tell me does that sound like something that should hurt? No it doesn’t!

I might have had difficulties understanding what the mirror of life is trying to show me, but it is always revealed to me one way or another. As the wise old sages say “out of stillness comes wisdom”.

The brilliant French psychoanalyst, Jacques Lacan, points out that although love—as commonly conceived—is, in essence, a futile chasing after something that doesn’t exist, there is nevertheless a love beyond this “making love,” a love that exists beyond lack and limitation and that involves a sort of ecstasy of being. The irony is that in making love we think we know what we want, but it turns out to be an illusion, while this other love touches on a real experience of which we know nothing. It’s a mystical sort of thing, as Lacan acknowledges.

So smile as I do now, it’s only life. Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans! I stopped planning myself. I forgot  the coulda, shoulda, woulda and just keep going…everything I lost or missed in life I always gained instead something better ..I was with my girlfriends last week and they were whining and bitching their luck of attracting the wrong men.  I just popped out with a sentence that never came to my mind before “We don’t attract wrong men we just allow them to stay in our lives”!!!They began laughing and every time one of them calls me she teases me about this sentence they now call it” Gihan’s famous quote”!!!!

I will never settle for less than what I deserve …. Let’s look at it this way – there are a zillion men out there. Even if you eliminate the married ones, the gay ones, the one’s who’re unavailable for any number of emotional or geographic reasons, or undesirable for any number of emotional or practical reasons, you still end up with a zillion available men..right??

Thanks to all of you who read my articles ,send me e- mails or make face book comments…My counter is rocking because of you .Love you all!

  • Sometimes you just feel everything and nothing all at once. Sometimes you’ll find yourself smiling while missing something at the same time. At times you can absolutely love a person, all the while wanting to hate them. Life comes without guarantees, except that smiling with brighten your face, laughing will enhance your eyes, and , and falling in love will change your life …

2 Responses to “smile it’s only life !”

  1. 1 David
    December 8, 2010 at 11:16 pm

    GG……Lovely music ,writing and your picture;).The whole package is awsome .Keep the good spirit and smile you have …xxxx

  2. 2 Mike M
    December 8, 2010 at 11:17 pm

    Wonderfullllll…..Well written ..BTW beautiful eyes !!!
    Love you always ..

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September 2010