
our privacy is in the air !


Do we really care about our personal privacy or we really aren’t aware how we ourselves make our privacy invaded? We “WILLINGLY” expose and reveal many things about ourselves on the internet and then we cry I WISH MY PRIVACY!

We go on search and type a name and Google “who knows it all and already  has a profile about each one of us with our interests and surfing habits” gives us hundreds of links about this person from address, phone numbers to his  resume with full name ,recent and old work history and much more .. When” Google voice” was released in 2009 we had already to say ADIEU to our privacy, Google won’t stop there we might hear soon a “Google bedroom” site released 😉 Sigh, I don’t wish even to think about this one ;-)!!

We go on face book and we put our pictures for friends and friends of friends and more friends of friends to view!! Some people think it’s a dating site and say they are interested in men and pick men/ women from friends of friends list too ! It became a competition who has more number of whom we call “friends “. “Friends “we haven’t seen for years and this can be a nice thing! Others were never our friends and we wouldn’t care a minute if we found them or not, but we still let them know our daily life details, our daily destination plans and let them watch our semi naked vacation pictures!

We find people talking on their cell loudly revealing the most intimate details of their lives and their day as they walk in the street, sitting next table in a café  or while  waiting for a friend outside an office building ,in a bus or  during  a break from a conference . It’s annoying!

Some of us do banking online or apply for a credit card and we are aware that we are revealing our income and personal info. We shop, we buy, we pay using our credit cards, we don’t assume that the information we disclose in today’s world will be available to our neighbor tomorrow……

These are some of the things we do WILLINGLY so we have to stop yelling that we need our privacy! Adding to this that our privacy is already invaded by other means we have no hands in it UNWILLINGLY!  Remember the famous phrase that came from the novel “Big Brother Is Watching You” and YES he is watching you!

We call a company and we hear “This conversation may be recorded for training purposes.” In other words, someone is listening and maybe recording, every word you say. Now they have cameras on street corners. This is supposed to find cars and drivers who speed through red lights. But, some of these cameras are pointed at pedestrians. Please don’t forget to smile you can be in Google street view ;-)!! We are watched at work every move we make by the help of transmitter badges and cameras. Big brother knows how much time we spend in the bathroom or smoking! In malls, in banks, ATMS, all department stores .Yes, big brother is watching every step we make! Maybe you need to take a quick peak under your car now maybe you notice a small GPS tacking device put by your wife / husband or boyfriend to spy on you ;-).Oh my How can I forget aiports and the new security screening …Dress appropriately to allow strangers to pat down your private parts , to eliminate the   urge of any emotional reaction from your part..I don’t wish to remember even my last flight 😉 

Most of us have nothing to hide we want to be able to go wherever and whenever we want, to speak to whomever ,we want  to read and buy whatever, we simply  want to do as we please outside and inside our homes, within the limits of reasonable laws. We don’t need a law that treats us like irresponsible kids a law that bans smoking in our private cars or in our houses …We don’t need a national food policy that tells us what to eat and what is unhealthy for us .All these recently food measures being implemented or proposed in the name of healthy eating , seems to me to be unhealthy dismissive of personal responsibility and individual liberties .Former prime minister Pierre Trudeau said there is no place for the state in the bedrooms …This same party seems to think that the state is desperately needed in the kitchen !! Give us a break, let us eat in peace and make our own choices, can we please be excused !? …Meal selection for me is considered something private!

Well, yes I scream I wish my privacy  but I still use all kind of technology that invades my privacy    and its part of my life  …I do my banking  , I tweet, I blog , I chat ,I shop online  ,I e -mail . I call companies and let them record whatever , I leave messages an hour later they return my call and leave a message and later I call and leave them one -and by the time we’re through messaging we’ve said what we needed and don’t end up talking” vive la technologie ”lol

 I have a face book with hundreds of “friends “whom many of them we never exchanged a word but they still   remember my birthday only because face book reminds them loll. I have to admit Face Book is the only  online program I’M NOT REALLY INTO    …I don’t want to reveal if I went dating , if I am single or in  a relationship .If I go  on vacation and with whom ! I have very few  family pictures to share .But  trust me none really cares  how I look everyday, what I wear or about my daily mood lol . I have more interesting  things to do in my life ! 

But being a non addict to face book doesn’t mean I haven’t any other sort of addiction!  I need to admit that I became a BB addict! My beautiful red black berry is my best friend …

In my car, I use every non-driving moment to check my email, whether I’m at a red light, or stalled in traffic– the guy or woman behind me NEVER  starts honking they are  too busy checking their  e-mails  too 😉

Any free minute I have I go browsing   for restaurants, stores, books instead of going to them.   I use my BB  as a flash light when its dark ,a calculator, GPS to find places I won’t  even go, I text instead of calling etc etc ………..Am I normal woman now that I’m in love with the machine?  

Sill I keep my smartness and I won’t switch to iphone 4, I’ll wait iphone 5. Maybe it includes a hair dryer, make up mirror, tweezers, a French manicure set  ,a fan , special button will help me cooking or cleaning …and who knows what more !

Ok now my BB is buzzing I have to leave you and return to my own  privacy!

   The imperfect me 10/11/10



2 Responses to “our privacy is in the air !”

  1. 1 Mike M
    November 23, 2010 at 5:56 am

    So true and very well written ..Love your sense of humor when it’s least expected 😉

  2. 2 Alan H
    December 14, 2010 at 4:48 am

    You have a beautiful way with words – they simply flow gracefully through the article. It made each short story you write incredibly touching and an absolute joy to read.
    Alan xxx

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November 2010