
wish you health,joy,peace of mind and prosperity

We don’t only begin a new year but every year that passes makes us a year older …..Many things happened during 2010.It’s been like a rollercoaster ,many good times mixed with some challenges which were successfully tackled ,as if life wanted to toughen me up and teach me to develop an internal resilience 😉 Whatever happened through this year  I feel blessed and proud to have reached the 2011 with all the achievements and failures  throughout the years .
So many have never laughed, some people life haven’t given them the chance to   watch their kids grow or had a loving family like mine! …I’ve sadly seen young friends leaving the world too soon before their hair even could turn silver and notice the wisdom and freedom of aging…
A new year begins and I embrace it with positive vibes and my imperfection. I care less about  what other people think of me and I don’t question myself too much .I leaned that I earn the right to be wrong .I simply like the person I have become over the years  even if it’s far from being  perfect!  
I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing  and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me,they simply tend to be big and vague !Life is too short  to chide yourself   for eating an extra cookie or kill yourself  for an extra pound. Beat yourself  with guilt if you skip a week not going to the gym. Entitle yourself to a treat, to be a bit messy from time to time nothing wrong to be extravagant. 
Whose business is it if you choose to read or play? To sleep till noon on weekends and to even leave your bed undone all day! Your  choice to stay home or to go party , to go out with fashionable high heels or just a sneaker and a jump suit ?
I already walked away from people whom their presence only brings  worriers and send negative vibes they have no more place in my life !
Sure, over the years my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, , when you see a child suffering or when your pet gets hit by a car? When you see wars, racism killing and frightening so many people around the world ? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion. A heart never broken is  sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect. If I  never felt pain, then how would I know what healing is?
If I never had a trial, how could I call myself an over comer?
If I never felt sadness, how would I know the blessing of happiness?
If I never made a mistake or were in trouble, how would I learn from life?
If I knew it all and had everything how would I appreciate beautiful small things that come to my life by time and by my own efforts…If I had the answer to everything  and all the power  ,why am I  here  in this world with a brain to think and choices to make! Finally, life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful .

Thank you 2010 for all the good and bad things you brought me because you made me the person I am now. Thank you for  allowing great new people to enter my life and made it outstanding and also thank you for taking the useless people  out of my life  and made it fantastic ..

Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us .

Happy New Year to all…;-)


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December 2010