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2010 begins with stillness and peacefulness

I feel the inner crushing urge to write something, but my mind is blocked my thoughts aren’t flowing anywhere! Are my thoughts frozen?  Well, it’s good to have the first day of New Year in complete quietness, tranquility and serenity …I found this song cute, father and daughter …the famous Paul Anka and his “not yet to be famous “ daughter …LOVELY SONG…Just what I needed to hear today;-)



Bid adieu to 2009

Once again we find ourselves enmeshed in the Holiday Season, that very special time of year when we join with our loved ones. Oh look, yet another Christmas TV special!  How touching to have the meaning of Christmas brought to us by cola, fast food, beer or a lingerie! Who’d have ever guessed that product consumption, popular entertainment, and spirituality would mix so harmoniously??
Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts. Christmas is always a day of remembrance; a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.

Even if it is a headache, a chore, and nightmare, it is a period of necessary defrosting any hard feelings we have. We might call a forgotten friend, be more thoughtful and kind. , lift someone whose spirits are dragging even by a simple compliment. Say “I love you “more often  to  people we love, sometimes these 3 words are forgotton with our busy life.
As we bid adieu to 2009 soon and the clock strikes twelve on December 31st, people all over the world cheer and wish each other a very Happy New Year. It is difficult not to believe that the next year will be better than the old one! And this illusion is not wrong. Future is always better, no matter what happens. It will always give us what we need and what we want in secret. It will always bless us with right gifts and blessings. Thus in a deeper sense our belief in the New Year cannot deceive us…

As year 2009 wasn’t the best year for me so I’m really happy it’s soon over and  I hope that 2010 will be much better   …..

So do we need our attitude to change in order to make the coming year better?!

Well, maybe  we must stay in closer touch with our family and good friends .We should stop magnifying small problems .Speak kindly ,be more thoughtful and think before shooting from our lips words that can be hard to digest..

Maybe forgive an injustice done to us in 2009. Listen more. Apologize when you realize you are wrong. An apology never diminishes a person. It elevates him.

We shouldn’t abandon our old-fashioned principles. They never go out of style. When courage is needed, ask yourself, “If not me, who? If not now, when?”

However you decide to bring in the New Year, have a safe and happy one, and try to think about just one thing you’d like to change about yourself for the coming year. It seems like the older we get the harder it is to change even that one thing” ;-)… “I’m talking about myself now”!

May the Christmas season fill your home with joy ,your life with love ,health, hope and laughter .My warmest wishes for a Happy New Year …

This is a picture of my beautiful city Montreal



Healthy or Unhealthy


“The more connections you and your lover make, not just between your bodies, but between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together.” -Barbara De Angelis  


What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Can anyone give the proper definition about love? 

We use the word love so many times in different ways .Even a score of zero in tennis or squash it’s called 40 love!  

Love has different varieties it can be romantic, unending, deep love shared between 2 people or love between more than two individuals that bond, platonic love, familial love, religious love and much more. 

But what really is in my mind now is relationships and love .Articles always mention  

 Healthy relationship or Unhealthy relationship and I wonder why they chose the word HEALTHY to define a relationship! Is it like healthy or unhealthy food we eat? 

I looked closely at the word HEALTHY and the letters that it consists and I found out how this small word of 7 letters can mean a lot.

Let’s begin with the letter


Honesty: Partners trust each other to follow through on promises.

Harmony: Two people in love make beautiful music together, they don’t need to be the same but together but their differences are like the harmonized musical notes .A couple who exhibits a sense of joy and calm when they’re together.

Heart: Having heart for one another means nourishing each other.

Honor: Is holding each other in high esteem.

Hot: They enjoy a mutually satisfying sex life.


Equality: Respecting the fact that you both counts.

Empathy: Being able to feel what each other feel.

Energetic: Exchange of vibrations like electrical force that draws you to each other.

Enthusiasm: Excitement about being together.

Empowerment: Supporting each other to feel stronger.


Acceptance: Knowing that you approve of each other.

Accommodation: Making adjustments for each other’s need.

Appreciation: Being grateful and responsive for each other and never take anything for granted.

Agreements: Making and keeping agreements is essential for trust.


Love: Cherishing each other and holding one another dear.

Loyalty: Being devoted to each other.

Listening: Paying attention to what each other says.  Their wants, needs, feelings and emotions are freely expressed and accepted without shame or guilt.

Laughter: Humor and they take the time to have fun and relax with each other.

Lust: Longing and desire draws you like magnet to each other.


Trust: Rely on one another and having confidence and faith in each other.

Talking: Communicating is a key.

Time: Together making and creating time together.

YES…YES to welcome positive feelings .Yes to a healthy relationship .Yes to life .YES to make it work .Yes to compromise .Yes, to give each other what you need and finally yes to love; to a loving relationship that become natural and effortless. Remember “Love” is only a word till someone gets along and gives it a meaning.


when will it calm down !?


        Took me months to feel like writing anything in this blog .Right after Christmas I was just overwhelmed with my own problems that haven’t been completely solved till this present moment.  But at least I took some decisions and steps that made me feel better about them.

I read the news papers daily and it all makes me feel down. Millions of jobs loss, weakness in the stock markets and we’re in the middle a deadly serious and worst recession period that have ever hit this country. Makes me more frustrated reading about people legally charged with sorting the mess and get us out of all this, they are buggering out to expensive beaches for quarter of this year.

Reading the news confuses me  too .I stayed a whole week reading about the especially awkward act of the USA president when he attended the G20 summit in London ,his action appeared awkward since among dozens of world leader and their spouses ,handshakes abounded ,but there appeared to be no other bowing in the room ,but him!

In all this political mess we read about celebrities, their kids and their exotic vacations. One like Madonna who is appealing the decision not to allow her to adopt another African child! Doesn’t she get it?????? She jumped in bed with a 22 years guy while she forgot that she was 50 .She’s crazy about her three hours daily gym ,diets , plastic surgeries to prevent her aging process .Why the hell is   she seeking to adopt another poor kid and make him live  her mental disability ?

Don’t news papers have something better to talk about then this sickening subject?

Now today’s headlines scream about the SWINE FLU crisis, wearing masks etc .I think that when this swine flu has eventually passed through our country it will have killed less people than what the normal flu kills every winter.

I was wondering if one day we’ll open the news one day and find these titles:

 “Jobs available for ALL different kind of people “

” Interest rates in banks are sky rocketing. “

” The air we breathe is 100% pure and the food we eat is safe.”

“Harmony and peace are all around the world.”

” No more nuclear weapons and wars. “

Or some funny headlines maybe that can put a smile on our faces at least!

 ”For women only! No more diet, men don’t care if you look slim or fat they only look deeper to explore your soul “;-)

 ” A man refused to work after his death. “

Or maybe”Red tape holds up new bridges “! 

………….. ”New recession clothes”!!! ??;-)

 The picture on top of the article I found it funny, it shows how big companies logos look like during the recession …

Have a great recession period all of you who are jobless and try to  enjoy your obligatory vacation as much as you can ,while listening to the song “ What a wonderful world “!


no to holiday blues !


Cheerful music playing nonstop, brightly colored lighted trees, maddening crowds in every store!  You switch on the TV and all what you see  advertising the perfect gift ,the perfect man  thinking about his sweetheart’s  perfect present , diamond rings , keys for a new car, ,Prada purses ,Louis Vuitton accessories and Victoria Secret underwear’s ! At the end of this perfect scene someone’s voice pops out and says CALL NOW! BUY NOW!

 The holiday seasons are all about these advertising now, it makes you feel that if you’re single you’re missing all the fun! From Christmas kissing in the snow, unwrapping gifts with Mr. Perfect, not to mention smooching with the perfect man on New Year’s Eve.

I went for a girls gathering and we laughed about all this, some of them are married, some divorced, others happy singles! Even though we don’t share the same status, still the season left us saying “BAH, HUMBUG” to love .

We can’t blame women that feel left out by romance on the holidays after all this spectacle we daily live! Being single doesn’t have to mean you are alone and lonely, so don’t let the holidays get you down.. Fill up your holiday time with gratitude for the blessings you have. Trust that when the time is right, you will meet the person meant to be with you. Until then, you have a lot of living to do right now.

Don’t let yourself drown and feel holiday’s blues that can prevent you to enjoy the real spirit of Christmas. It doesn’t have to come by the perfect gift or even the presence of a perfect man “who doesn’t  really exist”!

Turn things around by simply counting your blessings. All of us have things that can be thankful for….. a steady job ,decent place to live ,our  kids , family and wonderful friends ! 

The Christmas spirit actually is thinking and giving people who are less fortunate than yourself  .  Doing some volunteer work to share the good things you have in your life, inspire you to do some great for someone else .Be thankful that you didn’t gamble in stocks and lost your money due to this economic woes. Be thankful that you aren’t in an unhealthy relationship, instead you are a happy FREE single .Be thankful you still have a job ,while so many lost their jobs  due to  this recession period we are passing .

Happiness during the holidays as well as the rest of the year depends on the attitude you choose by being positive, cheerful, and attractive.

I decorated my Christmas tree, put some more lights than usual .I didn’t whine like every year when my boys found an excuse to escape from doing this job!

I enjoyed seeing them coming home with a big smile when they saw the tree lighted and they hugged me.

I will wake up early on Christmas Eve and bake my pecan tart and a roast turkey with Pureed sweet potatoes and peas” yummy “.I’ll take it to mom who invites the family for Christmas Eve’s dinner.

I decided with my girl friends to pamper ourselves and book a massage at the spa!!!!!!!!

Adding to this the normal volunteer work I’m used to do every year, It brings joy to my heart and nourishes my soul.

Finally if Christmas has you down, think that no life is perfect. And if something didn’t work well for you this year next year will be better!

                                            G!han  December 23 , 2008


To all my friends



I’ve always believed through my life that people walk into my life for a reason, nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Still, when those people cross my life I’m not aware of the reason; if I knew the reason wouldn’t I know what to do with this person? As time passes by my perspective to see things changed.

Does it really make a difference to understand why people cross my life, whether they are for a reason, season or a life time?   Why do I have to place those people in any of these categories? Do I have to give this unplanned coincidence a name? Do I have to worry like I used to do before and wonder if they will stay or walk away? Sometimes out of the blue and without you doing anything wrong this person will say anything and the relationship or friendship just ends. Sometimes they just walk away without saying a word .Was it for a season or a reason …?  Who really cares! Somehow they made a “little” or” huge” difference in my life.

Some left significant footprints, memories and joy of sharing this time together .Some when I recall they bring a happy smile to my face, wondering what happened to them and wishing they never had to walk away or leave. I simply have a small place in my heart that will hold them forever. Others they just walked into my life and out of it. They left absolutely nothing to remind me of them, they seldom or never cross my mind. Still, life challenges made me grow!

Now I just trust my life has a road mapped or planned .These people are God sent always even if they come for a short time .Maybe they are just sent to assist me or support  me during this specific time of my life ?!Maybe to make me laugh, to listen, to introduce me to new things I have never experienced before. Maybe they crossed my life because they need me in their life as well as I need them.

Now I learned to accept the plan, relax, unwind, breath into my life as it is .Life is only moments.

I just felt that I might have missed to tell these special persons how much they meant to me with whatever they have given me and how they made a difference in my life. I don’t know what tomorrow have in store so before it’s too late I wish to say something to all my friends who are still here and the ones who are gone but touched my soul by any means “Thank You “.

Thank you all  that crossed my path ,who heard my babbling ,who lifted my spirit when needed  ,who shared my happy moments as well as my sad ones .Special persons  who gave me love and made me love back, who allowed me to be part of their life too  for a short or long time .Thank you for caring about me without the urge to change me .

Thanks to all of you who made my heart smile one day, to those who tried to show me the brighter side of things. I’m grateful to all of you .I’m all the better because somewhere, somehow someone has given me the chance of a true embodiment of friendship for as long as it was allowed to survive.

Now if you love someone and he/she is still in your life, show them that their presence is never taken for granted before they walk away or leave.

You all made of me the person I am right now. YES! You made a difference.

Wherever you are now my friends I still owe you A BIG THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Now I leave you wondering while you read this, if you left footprints in my heart or just footprints in the sand that were erased by troubled waters.


the power of a smile that costs nothing and give much


What is a smile? Is it such a big deal? Does a smile confuse an approaching frown? A smile is something priceless, inexpensive, powerful, contagious, it makes you appear more confidant and capable and it’s the shortest distance between two people .It’s simply a silent form of communication. It lasts a moment but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever .The most beautiful face in the world wouldn’t be pleasing with a down tuned lips and a sour expression. Try to add a genuine smile to your face and you will understand what I mean. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen- for it is something that is of no value to anyone, until it is given away.
It’s very important for my job to wear always a smile, it’s just the window to tell people they are home .Sometimes my heart is heavy or I just wake up in a weird mood and don’t really wish to smile .Still as soon as I reach work and the first person I meet smiles at me and I smile back, my smile remains for the rest of the day. My world seems brighter later, no matter how grouchy I was feeling. A smile changes your looks and as mark twain says “wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been “.

 People normally smile back to me! Of course there are what we can call petty tyrants, the world seems to be full of them .They are defensive, angry and quite wounded they won’t smile back.

 Remember you don’t wear a smile to make people like you! Therefore I learned to let rude people just be people .They no longer upset me and I don’t’ take it personal at all.

Today I was having a smoke outside and it was a dark, rainy day and my heart was heavy. I found a handsome gentle man walking out of his car with heavy steps and a sad face. He was coming towards me.   I spontaneously gave him a friendly look and a big smile. This man smiled back and told me “it’s a sunny day today”. I looked at him and replied “hmmm! Sunny? And he smiled back and said” YES, it’s definitely sunny, I see it in your smile “and he thanked me for making his day looks brighter! I have an extra wrinkle on my face, I know it doesn’t come from age but from smiling
did you know that it takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three to frown. most smiles are started by another smile .A simple  smile can  break ice, makes peace ,increase your face value and always comes  back to you.

Today, grace a stranger one of your smiles.  It might be the only sunshine he sees all day and who knows how far your original smile will travel

So please smile more and if you are too tired to do it, I’ll give you one of mine
Always remember to be happy because you never know who’s falling in love with your smile.  ~Author Unknown

G!han 2007


mccain or obama will this make a difference to the middle east?

 I know you’ll find it weird that I write about this subject and I think I’m better known writing about  matters of heart, life and love.;-)

But after reading the book “A War Of Nerves “written by Ben Shepherd .I would like to share with you some thoughts .This book is really interesting and gives us a fascinating history of war neuroses .It breaks your heart to read how these young men suffered and cracked from the world wars through Vietnam and up to the gulf war.

Now that soon the Bush administration is coming to an end and it’s election time in America. It makes me wonder what will happen next to the Middle East crisis! Do we have to be categorized by being either a  Bush hater or geopolitical naïf if we disagree with the American occupation in iraq?  Iraq was not in league with Osama bin Laden and al Quada, whom the administration blamed for the 9/11 attacks. There is absolutely no evidence  that they support al Quada  .The Bush administration simply used 9/11 to justify the invasion of Iraq, though they had nothing whatsoever to do with each other .They claimed that the WMD was too grave and urgent to wait . They sent weapons inspectors and they claimed  that Saddam kicked out the inspectors.This wasn’t only false but it masks the actual truth, which is that the administration told the inspectors to leave because of the looming attack. I just can’t understand why they focused on Iraq rather then any other country !? Americans claim that its central purpose in invading Iraq was to bring democracy to the country and to the Middle East. At the same time, however, it has done next to nothing and the Middle East remains a complete chaos and the situation is worse and worse that might end with a civil war in Iraq or a WORLD WAR 3! .

 Americans are aware now that George Bush’s invasion of Iraq to protect the United States from the threat of terrorism was legitimate, or yet another example of a president sporting like a king on his white horse, at the expense of the American people, the troops, the Iraqis, and the world.  

This time of election is a critical time for americans .The sudden death of Hillary Clinton’s  campaign ended the hope of the former first lady to be the first American woman .Still there is no doubt that I admire her. She was strong enough just to endure this long hectic campaign ,she has reached a stage where no American woman has ever gone before and made it more possible for women to make the race to the White House more attainable. After her surrender , smart Clinton is angling herself now to be Obama’s running mate for the position of vice-president and Obama might include her as he wishes to win over Clinton’s voter …Well, isn’t this the politics game ? 

Now the question is ..McCain or Obama ..Will this make any  difference to our countries? Will ever people from the Middle East survive a peaceful life? Do we really matter to them and our future is their future as Obama recently stated !? Americans are completely aware that their domestic economic concerns are related to the Middle East .The sky rocketing price of oil is the result to the insecurity in the gulf .Will they withdraw the 140,000 US troops in Iraq ..?

Time will tell..But I doubt it … !

If I receive no feed back on this article ,I’ll go back writing about “Sex And The City ” and Middle age women crisis and leave the Middle East alone;-)

June 2024